Hello, I am trying to have tabs with all the videos in the series, I followed the steps, but it only shows the first video uploaded (In the Orchard Today, Ep.1) and nothing else in the playlist.. please help!
This is how it looks on the editing side:[fvplayer src="https://youtu.be1" liststyle="horizontal" share="yes" playlist="https://youtu.be2maxresdefault.jpg;https://youtu.be3ddefault.jpg;https://youtu.4ow,https://i.ytimg.
picturedefault.jpg" caption="In the Orchard Today, Ep.1; Spring Blooming;In the Orchard Today, Ep.2; Male Flowers;In The Orchard Today, Ep.3; Cover Crops;In The Orchard Today, Ep.4; Topping and Hedging" splash="https://example splash/hqdefault.jpg"]