We just finished rolling out FV FlowPlayer on our production site and things went pretty smooth. We now have over 200 videos streaming along just fine which is awesome. However, we bumped into an issue with our live feed. All of our other videos are pre-recorded, but we have one live feed and of course it is giving us issues. Our live feed is streamed through a Wowza server and is delivered via HLS and RTMP. I embedded it in a page using the following shortcode:
[fvplayer live='true' src='http://dpezet-channel.videocdn.scaleengine.net/dpezet-channel/live/itprotvlivefeed/playlist.m3u8' rtmp='rtmp://dpezet-channel.videocdn.scaleengine.net/dpezet-channel/live/' rtmp_path='itprotvlivefeed' splash='https://itprotv-image-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/screenshot1.png']
You can see it on our production system here:
On testing it, the video plays just fine, but the controls never show up and the three “loading” dots continue to roll in the middle of the video. Once you have hit play it will not pause.
Do you have any ideas what might cause that? I saw one similar post which recommended that video encoding may be the issue. However, I read through the encoding guide and our live stream conforms to the recommendations. So I’m kind of stumped on this one.
Don Pezet