Hey Foliovision Team,
I have another question for you.
Many of my videos have (or will have) a white background and therefore, the full screen icon is pretty much invisible.
You can see an example here: “http://www.pmperspective.com/how-to-create-a-project-charter/” after 0:14 the full screen icon is impossible to find.
First, I tried playing with the color options on the setup page to no avail. I then started to look at the CSS and found that the controls are actually a sprite – which is cool. It also appears as though there is a black set and white set of icons in the /img folder … but I can’t seem to trigger the conditions necessary to flip over the black set of icons.
In the CSS I can see that there is a class called “color-light” that would trigger the black icons to be used but I can’t figure out how to make that happen.
Any thoughts?