Please open email you’ve received with the subject “New Invoice # from Foliovision s.r.o.“. Unfortunately it might have ended up in your spam/junk inbox.
The link will take you to the client portal where you can pay your invoice but also view all your invoices and payments. For security there is a password. Please save it for the future use (you might be already using your own password manager if not you can try Bitwarden).
The link will take you to the client portal. Please use your password from the email.
Once you are in you will see your invoice. To pay simply click on “Pay Now” button.
You can pay with your Credit Card or PayPal. To view all your invoices or payments you can simply go to “Invoices”or “Payments”.
To view general information about your account use Dashboard. Here you can view if there is any outstanding balance or you can update information about your company in case something changes.